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Author: hwadmin

Recovering from a Low Appraisal ?>

Recovering from a Low Appraisal

An appraisal of $249,000? The home seller learns that his $300,000 asking price is much higher than the actual property value. If you are the buyer, this figure means that the amount you can finance on the property is much lower than you expected. An appraisal value that is considerably lower than what you have offered should be a red light — a warning that you may be paying too much for the property. So is the deal over? Is…

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How Home Appraisals Work ?>

How Home Appraisals Work

You’ve found your dream home. The asking price is $300,000 — an amount you’ve already been pre-approved for by your bank. But is the home really worth that amount? That’s the question at the heart of the home appraisal. The worth, or value of the property, will determine how much a lender is willing to give you to buy that particular piece of real estate. This all-important step in getting the financing you need is the home appraisal — an…

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